STS Inc Used Steam Turbine Engineering and Cycle Fit Evaluation

STS is the only used equipment provider in the world that can provide steam turbine thermo-mechanical evaluations of used steam turbines to determine the fit for its customers cycles.  STS will perform these preliminary evaluations as part of their used unit search for its customers.  These studies can cost $10,000+ from an OEM and STS will do them for free as part of a unit search.

Steam turbines are not purchased by MW need only, they must fit the steam condition requirements of the cycle they are proposed for.  A 20 MW unit for 600 psig steam will not work for a 20 MW cycle that has 900 psig steam.

STS can perform these evaluations to make sure you are buying the right unit for your cycle!  Call us today for an engineered search for the steam turbine for your project.